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Consuming What Can Possibly Consume You.

S ome people see the world as an infinite number of prize fights, each with one winner and one loser. For them life is an unending series of zero-sum games. But an example of something that is not a zero-sum game, and can never be is a global pandemic. Someone else’s sickness is not a gain but a threat. Corona Virus striking Pakistan, sent most parts of the country inside their homes to observe social distancing in all seriousness. But what is our nation if it could follow rules made only to ensure the safety of its own. As major metropolises of the country came under a forced lockdown it brought back memories of the time when a call from a certain political party would shut down the whole city; violence, chaos or bad rainwater management would become an excuse for a day off. A chaotic order closed down schools, colleges and universities across Sindh till further notice as a preventive measure to stop the spread of the diseases. Are we on vacations? When shall we have our exams?...

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